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Putri Wulan Ramadhan
hi para blogger... ini blog ke-2 gw... gw punya 2 blog. Blog pertama gw http://putriwulan50.blogspot.com n' ini blog ke-2 gw.. http://pwulanramadhan.blogspot.com Dua2 nya aktif. Tapi yang paling sering gw update sih blog ke-2 gw... Jadi, selamat membaca... :)
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Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Menghindari sifat 5K (Katabelece, kongkalikong, Koneksi, Kolusi dan Komisi) "Kemenkeu Nonaktifkan 4 Pejabat Terkait Kasus Gayus Tambunan"

Menghindari sifat 5K (Katabelece, kongkalikong, Koneksi, Kolusi dan Komisi)

Jika pelaku bisnis sudah mampu menghindari sikap seperti ini, kita yakin tidak akan terjadi lagi apa yang dinamakan dengan korupsi, manipulasi dan segala bentuk permainan curang dalam dunia bisnis ataupun berbagai kasus yang mencemarkan nama bangsa dan Negara.

Kemenkeu Nonaktifkan 4 Pejabat Terkait Kasus Gayus Tambunan

Latar Belakang

Menindaklanjuti Instruksi Presiden Nomor 1 Tahun 2011 tentang Percepatan Penyelesaian Kasus-kasus Hukum dan Penyimpangan Pajak, Kementerian Keuangan tidak main-main. Sebanyak empat pegawai di lingkungannya dijatuhi hukuman disiplin dinonaktifkan. Beberapa pejabat/pegawai Kementerian Keuangan yang terkait dengan kasus Gayus, yaitu menonaktifkan dua pejabat eselon II Direktorat Jenderal (Ditjen) Pajak dan dua pejabat eselon II Inspektorat Jenderal (Itjen).

Contoh Kasus :

Heru Margianto | Senin, 31 Oktober 2011 | 13:40 WIB

Kemenkeu Nonaktifkan 4 Pejabat Terkait Kasus Gayus Tambunan

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Menindaklanjuti Instruksi Presiden Nomor 1 Tahun 2011 tentang Percepatan Penyelesaian Kasus-kasus Hukum dan Penyimpangan Pajak, Kementerian Keuangan tidak main-main. Sebanyak empat pegawai di lingkungannya dijatuhi hukuman disiplin dinonaktifkan.

”Kepada beberapa pejabat/pegawai Kementerian Keuangan yang terkait dengan kasus Gayus, yaitu menonaktifkan dua pejabat eselon II Direktorat Jenderal (Ditjen) Pajak dan dua pejabat eselon II Inspektorat Jenderal (Itjen),” demikian diutarakan Kepala Biro Kemenkeu Yudi Pramadi, dalam rilisnya, di Jakarta, Senin (31/10/2011).

Kemenkeu juga menjatuhkan hukuman disiplin berupa pemberhentian tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai negeri sipil terhadap Gayus HP Tambunan.

Hukuman disiplin juga dijatuhkan terhadap 14 pejabat/pegawai Ditjen Pajak yang merupakan atasan dan rekan-rekan Gayus. Tindakan ini termasuk dalam tiga bidang tindak lanjut yang diambil dalam periode Januari sampai dengan September 2011.

Hal ini dilakukan sehubungan dengan terjadinya beberapa kasus hukum dan penyimpangan pajak. Presiden telah menerbitkan Instruksi Presiden (Inpres) Nomor 1 Tahun 2011 tentang Percepatan Penyelesaian Kasus-kasus Hukum dan Penyimpangan Pajak kepada beberapa menteri dan pimpinan lembaga, termasuk Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu), untuk melakukan langkah-langkah.

Disebutkan, tindakan yang diambil adalah (1) Penyelesaian kasus penyimpangan pajak termasuk dan tidak terbatas pada kasus Gayus HP Tambunan; (2) Bekerja sama dengan PPATK, Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum, dan KPK dalam mengungkap kasus-kasus pajak; (3) Melaksanakan proses penegakan hukum terhadap pihak-pihak terkait; (4) Memberikan tindakan administrasi dan disiplin kepada seluruh pejabat yang nyata-nyata melakukan penyimpangan; dan (5) Melakukan evaluasi, perbaikan sistem kerja, dan semua aturan yang terkait.

Lebih lanjut, Kemenkeu juga melakukan mutasi pejabat pegawai di Direktorat Keberatan dan Banding Ditjen Pajak (tempat Gayus bekerja sebagai pelaksana) dan mutasi terhadap pejabat struktural dan pejabat fungsional pajak.

Selain itu, menurut Yudi, pihaknya memperluas cakupan kewajiban pelaporan LHKPN bagi pegawai Kemenkeu yang semula berjumlah 7.442 orang menjadi 24.808 orang (kenaikan 333,35 persen, per 7 Juli 2011).

Lebih lanjut, tim gabungan akan melanjutkan dan menyelesaikan audit investigasi dengan melakukan klarifikasi, konfirmasi, dan permintaan keterangan (BAP) dari Fiskus (petugas pemeriksa pajak), wajib pajak, konsultan pajak, serta meneliti aliran dana pihak-pihak yang dicurigai. Kegiatan audit investigasi tim gabungan ditargetkan akan selesai pada akhir bulan November 2011.

Cara Menyelesaikan Masalah :

Sehubungan dengan terjadinya beberapa kasus hukum dan penyimpangan pajak. Presiden telah menerbitkan Instruksi Presiden (Inpres) Nomor 1 Tahun 2011 tentang Percepatan Penyelesaian Kasus-kasus Hukum dan Penyimpangan Pajak kepada beberapa menteri dan pimpinan lembaga, termasuk Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu), untuk melakukan langkah-langkah

Tindakan yang diambil adalah (1) Penyelesaian kasus penyimpangan pajak termasuk dan tidak terbatas pada kasus Gayus HP Tambunan; (2) Bekerja sama dengan PPATK, Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum, dan KPK dalam mengungkap kasus-kasus pajak; (3) Melaksanakan proses penegakan hukum terhadap pihak-pihak terkait; (4) Memberikan tindakan administrasi dan disiplin kepada seluruh pejabat yang nyata-nyata melakukan penyimpangan; dan (5) Melakukan evaluasi, perbaikan sistem kerja, dan semua aturan yang terkait.

Lebih lanjut, Kemenkeu juga melakukan mutasi pejabat pegawai di Direktorat Keberatan dan Banding Ditjen Pajak (tempat Gayus bekerja sebagai pelaksana) dan mutasi terhadap pejabat struktural dan pejabat fungsional pajak.

Kesimpulan :

Selain itu, menurut Yudi, pihaknya memperluas cakupan kewajiban pelaporan LHKPN bagi pegawai Kemenkeu yang semula berjumlah 7.442 orang menjadi 24.808 orang (kenaikan 333,35 persen, per 7 Juli 2011).

Lebih lanjut, tim gabungan akan melanjutkan dan menyelesaikan audit investigasi dengan melakukan klarifikasi, konfirmasi, dan permintaan keterangan (BAP) dari Fiskus (petugas pemeriksa pajak), wajib pajak, konsultan pajak, serta meneliti aliran dana pihak-pihak yang dicurigai. Kegiatan audit investigasi tim gabungan ditargetkan akan selesai pada akhir bulan November 2011.

Kelompok : 1. Indri Suprapti (20208645)

2. Putri Wulan Ramadhan (20208976)

3. Ridwan Rifai (21208053)

4. Ucy Apriani (21208250)

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Konfrontir Nazaruddin dengan Chandra

Judul : Konfrontir Nazaruddin dengan Chandra
Sumber :Koran Kompas
Edisi : Minggu, 25 September 2011
Nama kelompok : 1. Ridwan Rifai (21208053)
2. Indri Suprapti (20208645)
3. Putri Wulan Ramadhan (20208976)

Dari kasus diatas pada dasarnya terkait semua dari kedelapan etika profesi akuntansi tapi yang paling terkait adalah etika profesi sebagai berikut :

1. Tanggung jawab profesi
Dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya sebagai profesional, para auditor harus senantiasa menggunakan pertimbangan moral dan profesional bahwa korupsi itu merugikan Negara. Sebagai profesional, auditor mempunyai peran penting dalam masyarakat, sehingga harus selalu bertanggungjawab untuk bekerja sama dengan sesama anggota untuk mengembangkan profesi akuntansi, memelihara kepercayaan masyarakat.

2. Kepentingan Publik
Ini berkaiatan dengan audit pemerintah. Audit pemerintah harus bekerja professional supaya asset dan kekayaan Negara bisa digunakan seperlunya kesejahteraan ekonomi dan negara. Satu ciri utama dari suatu profesi adalah penerimaan tanggung jawab kepada publik. Profesi akuntan memegang peran yang penting di masyarakat, dimana publik dari profesi akuntan yang terdiri dari klien, pemberi kredit, pemerintah, pemberi kerja, pegawai, investor, dunia bisnis dan keuangan, dan pihak lainnya bergantung kepada obyektivitas dan integritas akuntan dalam memelihara berjalannya fungsi bisnis secara tertib. Ketergantungan ini menimbulkan tanggung jawab akuntan terhadap kepentingan publik. Kepentingan publik didefinisikan sebagai kepentingan masyarakat dan institusi yang dilayani anggota secara keseluruhan.

3. Integritas
Integritas adalah suatu elemen karakter yang mendasari timbulnya pengakuan profesional. Integritas merupakan kualitas yang melandasi kepercayaan publik dan merupakan patokan (benchmark) bagi anggota dalam menguji keputusan yang di ambilnya. Integritas mengharuskan seorang anggota untuk, antara lain, bersikap jujur dan berterus terang tanpa harus mengorbankan rahasia penerima jasa. Pelayanan dan kepercayaan publik tidak boleh dikalahkan oleh keuntungan pribadi. Integritas dapat menerima kesalahan yang tidak disengaja dan perbedaan pendapat yang jujur, tetapi tidak menerima kecurangan atau peniadaan prinsip.

Setiap anggota harus menjaga obyektivitasnya dan bebas dari benturan kepentingan dalam pemenuhan kewajiban profesionalnya. Obyektivitasnya adalah suatu kualitas yang memberikan nilai atas jasa yang diberikan anggota. Prinsip obyektivitas mengharuskan anggota bersikap adil, tidak memihak, jujur secara intelektual, tidak berprasangka atau bias, serta bebas dari benturan kepentingan atau dibawah pengaruh pihak lain. Anggota bekerja dalam berbagai kapasitas yang berbeda dan harus menunjukkan obyektivitas mereka dalam berbagai situasi. Anggota dalam praktek publik memberikan jasa atestasi, perpajakan, serta konsultasi manajemen. Anggota yang lain menyiapkan laporan keuangan sebagai seorang bawahan, melakukan jasa audit internal dan bekerja dalam kapasitas keuangan dan manajemennya di industri, pendidikan, dan pemerintah.

Di poskan oleh Putri Wulan Ramadhan

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

miley cyrus - when i look at you (lyric)

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
Beautiful melody, when the nights so long

Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy (Yeah)
When my world is falling apart,
when there is no light to break up the dark
That’s when I (I) look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore and I
can’t find my way home anymore
That’s when I (I) look at you

When I look at you
I see forgiveness, I see the truth
You love me for who I am like the stars
hold the moon
Right there where they belong and I know
I’m not alone (Yeah)

When my world is falling apart,
when there is no light to break up the dark
That’s when I (I) look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore and I
can’t find my way home anymore
That’s when I (I) look at you

You appear just like a dream to me
Just like a kaleidoscope colors that cover me
All I need every breath that I breathe
Don’t you know you’re beautiful (Yeah, Yeah)

When the waves are flooding the shore and I
can’t find my way home anymore
That’s when I (I) look at you

You appear just like a dream to me

ababil word

think want to give up
you know what?? i'm so tired with this situation
it feels like to end it
sometimes i'm very disgusted with God's plan
although i know all God's plan is good for me
and often wonder in my brain "like what the end of all God's plan?"
i think i want to run and get away from reality, but i cant do that
i must play my role that God commanded in this world
untill i know what this is all over

Jumat, 15 April 2011

perbedaan toefl dan toeic

TOEIC is the acronym for Test of Home for International Communication. TOEIC test is an English proficiency test for people who native language is not English. TOEIC test scores indicate how well people can communicate in English with others in the global work environment. The test requires no specialized knowledge or vocabulary, these tests only measure the kind of English used in everyday activities.

TOEFL stands for Test of Home as a Foreign Language. This is a test of English as a foreign language. These tests test the ability of a person to the extent to which mastery of English that includes the ability: Listening Comprehension (Comprehension in listening), Structure and Written Exxpression (Structure and expression in writing relating to the Home Grammar or Grammar English (Reading Comprehension (Reading Comprehension), and Writing (Writing).

Therefore, the TOEIC test material more easily than the TOEFL test as that's a multiple choice test for 2 (two) hours, divided in listening sessions and reading sessions.
Therefore, the TOEIC test is deemed appropriate for employees or staff who use English in their environment such as business, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, international meetings, conferences and sporting events. Similarly, staff management, sales and technical employees in international business, commerce and industry who need English in their work.
TOEIC score starting from the number 400 to 990. There are six levels ie level 0 / 0 + Novice (score 10-250), Level 1 Elementary (score 255-400), level 1 + Intermediate (score 405-600), level 2 Basic Working Proficiency (score 605-780), level 2 + Advance Working Profiency (score 785-900) and level 3 / 3 + General Professional Proficiency (score 905-990).
A prospective regular employees must have a minimum TOEIC score of 400. While a prospective manager should at least have a TOEIC score of 800.
Someone who has a TOEIC score 405-600, for example, in listening to be able to understand explanations related to routine daily tasks, understand the announcements during the trip and mengusai limited social conversations. In this talk could explain kerj responsibility adan academic background as well as a discussion about the project in the past and the future. While in the case of reading still need a dictionary to understand the technical documents. And lastly in terms of writing people who have intermediate level was able to write a short memo, letter of complaint and fill out a simple application form.
Many companies or organizations requesting the convening of the TOEIC to recruit, promote, or placing employees. TOEIC is also very useful for university graduates or job seekers who wish to complement their CV, also for anyone who wants to test the ability to communicate in English.
TOEIC and TOEFL are designed for different purposes. TOEFL is intended for students or students who wish to continue her studies in the United States and Canada. While the TOEIC is intended for those whose native language is not English and want to show the ability to communicate in English in the world of work and take part in globalization.
However, there are some things that need to be underlined. One is the standard used in the TOEFL assessment of each place is not the same. So, can not serve as the main criterion for equating the TOEFL between the A to the B. Therefore, it could be their equal ability, it's just the level of assessment tests differ from each other.
Therefore, it now thrives in the discourse about the TOEIC that use alignment to international standards. If abroad, TOIEC already very popular. The proof, of the existing data, it turns out this test has been used about 10,000 companies in the world. Perhaps, it could be because in addition to international standard, also TOEIC which has existed since 1979. Thus, their levels were higher than the TOEFL test.

TOEFL (Test Of Home as a Foreign Language) has the objective to evaluate English language ability for those who pursue academic education (scholarship), while the TOEIC aims to evaluate English language skills for the global workplace (international). Toefl only useful for TOEIC in the company and useful at school or at The English program, especially in academic and also for a higher education institute.

Competencies tested on the TOEFL:
PBT (paper based TOEFL):
• Listening
• Reading
• Writing
IBT (Internet-based TOEFL):
• Listening

Competencies tested on the TOEIC:
• Listening
• Reading

What is the difference between TOEIC and TOEFL tests?

TOEIC and TOEFL test was developed to serve different purposes. Therefore, the design, content, context and scope of proficiency that each measured by each test is also different. TOEFL test was created by the Educational Testing Service for foreign students who wish to enter colleges and universities in North America. The student who plans to take the title of stratum 1 or stratum 2 in North America will try to take the TOEFL test. Organizations that require English proficiency for employees and individuals who want to demonstrate their ability to use English at work would prefer to use the TOEIC test.

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

soal listening

I always knew you were the best
The coolest girl I know
So prettier than all the rest
The star of my show

So many times I wished
You'd be the one for me
But never knew it'd get like this
Girl, what you do to me

You're who I'm thinkin' of
Girl, you ain't my runner up
And no matter what
You're always number one

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you girl, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl

You're used to goin' out your way
To impress these Mr. Wrongs
But you can be yourself with me
I'll take you as you are

I know they said believe in love
It's a dream that can't be real
So girl let's write a fairytale
And show 'em how we feel

You're who I'm thinkin' of
Girl you ain't my runner up
And no matter what
You're always number one

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you girl, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl
Baby it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl

You take my breath away
With everything you say
I just wanna be with you
My baby, my baby, oh

My miss don't play no games
Treat you no other way
Than you deserve
'Cause you're the girl of my dreams

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you girl, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you girl, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you

You're my favorite girl
(My favorite, my favorite)
Favorite girl, favorite girl, favorite girl
(My favorite, my favorite girl, my favorite girl)

Favorite girl, favorite girl, favorite girl
(My favorite, my favorite, my favorite)
(My favorite girl, my favorite girl)
Favorite girl


I always knew you were the …
The coolest … I know
So prettier than all the rest
The star of my …

So many times I …
You'd be the … for me
But … knew it'd get like this
Girl, what you do to …

You're … I'm thinkin' of
Girl, you ain't my … up
… no matter what
You're … number one

My prize …, one and only
… you girl, I want you
The one I can't … without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little …
The one that … me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl

You're used to goin' out your way
To impress these …
But you can be … with me
I'll take you as you are

I know they said … in love
It's a … that can't be real
So girl let's write a …
And show 'em how we …

You're … I'm thinkin' of
Girl … ain't my runner up
And no matter what
You're … number one

My prize …, one and only
Adore … girl, I want you
The … I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my … little lady
The one that makes me …
Of all the girls I've … known
It's you, it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl
Baby it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl

You take my … away
With … you say
I just wanna be with …
My baby, my baby, oh

My miss don't play no …
… you no other way
Than you deserve
… you're the girl of my dreams

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you …, I want you
The one I can't live …
That's you, that's you

You're … special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of … the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you girl, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my … little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever …
It's you, it's you

You're my favorite girl
(My favorite, my favorite)
Favorite girl, favorite girl, favorite girl
(My favorite, my favorite girl, my favorite girl)

Favorite girl, favorite girl, favorite girl
(My favorite, my favorite, my favorite)
(My favorite girl, my favorite girl)
Favorite girl

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Tugas bahasa inggris toefl

Nama : Putri Wulan Ramadhan

NPM : 20208976

Kelas : 3EB06


1. All new students at this university are requared … an English proviency test

a. Taking

b. Having to take

c. Take

d. Will take

e. To take

2. “Whose car is that?”

“You mean the one … in front of the bookstore”

a. Parking

b. It parks

c. To be parked

d. Parked

e. To park

3. “While in living in Bogor, we always went to school on foot”

This means that we … on foot while we were living in bogor

a. Got to school

b. Are going to school

c. Used to go to school

d. Are used to going to school

e. Liked going to school

4. … for five years in the marketing department, I feel well qualified tok apply for the job of marketing manager and advertised in the newspaper

a. Worked

b. Having worked

c. Have worked

d. I have worked

e. To work

5. “Mom, why do you insist on my wearing a jacket?”

“… I’m sure it’s going to be very cold outside”

a. Until

b. Since

c. Althoug

d. So that

e. Because of

6. She did not tell me where … after go

a. She would go

b. She will go

c. She would have gone

d. Will she go

e. Would she go

7. “I can’t at find my handphone in my bag!”

“well, you … in the car. Let’s take a look!”

a. May have to leave it

b. Had to leave it

c. Should have left it

d. May have left it

e. Must leave it

8. “I spilled some ink on my coat.” “You must … at the laundry immediately”

a. Clean it

b. Have cleaned it

c. Have to clean it

d. Have to be cleaned it

e. Have it cleaned it

9. “The hotel is suffering a great loss”

“Yes, only ten percent of their rooms …”

a. Being occupied

b. Occupied

c. Is occupied

d. Are occupied

e. They are occupied

10. “why aren’t you driving your own car?”

“it … “

a. Has sold

b. Has to sell

c. Has been selling

d. Has been sold

e. Has to be sold

11. “Who is Ismail Marzuki?”

“well, he’s the composer … people consider one of the greatest in Indonesia.”

a. Whom

b. To whom

c. With whom

d. Who

e. Of whom

12. “Paula fell asleep in class this morning”

“she … late last night.”

a. Must stay up

b. Must have stay up

c. Would stay up

d. Should have stayed up

e. Ought to stay up

13. Smoking can be the cause of many illnesses and respiratory disorders : …, it may horm non-smokers

a. Consequently

b. However

c. In addition

d. Nevertheless

e. Otherwise

14. “After she had already signed a year’s rent for the house, she found another that she liked much better”

From the above sentence we may conclude that

a. She had to stay in the house for which she had paid the rent

b. She found it more profitable to stay in the house she liked better

c. She signed a year’s rent for the house although she did not like it

d. She decided to cancel the house which she had already rented

e. She signed a year’s rent for the house she liked much better

15. … but he also goes to school in the evenings

a. Not only Tono works in the mornings

b. Only Tono does not work in the mornings

c. Not only does Tono work in the mornings

d. Tono does not work in the mornings only

e. Tono works not only in the mornings


1. Either the management or the education system of our institute … to be reviewed to increase the number of graduates next year

2. “Did you get the cheap second-hand computer advertised in the newspaper?”

3. “No luck. It … when I called them”

4. All new students at this university are required … an English profiency test

5. As I was talking to a client when my phone ring, I had …

6. “I’d like to book three standard rooms for next week, please”

“I’m sorry, Sir, our hotel … until yhe end of the month”

7. These tourist, … are japanese, were amog the crowd participating in the “dangdut” dance

8. “ I heart that the thieves managed to take your electronics.”

“well, not only the electronics…”

9. “Last night a thief broke into my brother’s house.”

“Really? What … from the house?”

10. “Why do you want Amir to be the team leader?”

“Well, I don’t like … people around!”